Cutremur în zona Nehoiu simțit și la Slobozia. Magnitudine: 4,7 grade


Magnitude mb 4.7
Date time 2017-02-08 15:08:20.8 UTC
Location 45.48 N ; 26.28 E
Depth 121 km
Distances 117 km N of Bucharest, Romania / pop: 1,878,000 / local time: 17:08:20.8 2017-02-08
56 km E of Braşov, Romania / pop: 277,000 / local time: 17:08:20.8 2017-02-08
7 km N of Nehoiu, Romania / pop: 11,400 / local time: 17:08:20.8 2017-02-08


La 17.14 a fost urmat de un alt cutremur, mai slab:

Magnitude ML 3.0
Date time 2017-02-08 15:14:23.3 UTC
Location 45.72 N ; 26.50 E
Depth 120 km
Distances 146 km N of Bucharest, Romania / pop: 1,878,000 / local time: 17:14:23.3 2017-02-08
53 km W of Focşani, Romania / pop: 106,000 / local time: 17:14:23.3 2017-02-08
17 km W of Nereju, Romania / pop: 4,300 / local time: 17:14:23.3 2017-02-08

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